
Attend worship with us in-person Sunday at 10:30am
or online anytime
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We are a welcoming and nurturing United Methodist community of faith. We worship at 1010 Orchard Drive in Harrisburg at 10:30am on Sundays. We have been sharing the love of God and the Good News of Jesus Christ for a century and a half. We invite you to visit us for worship!

Our Sanctuary at 1010 Orchard Dr. Harrisburg, PA

If you are thinking of visiting us, we promise we will not embarrass you. Worship leaders will not publicly introduce you as a visitor or require you to speak to the congregation. We won’t ask you to participate in singing or prayers – unless you wish to. You may sit wherever you wish and just observe – whatever is most comfortable for you.

Gathering for Worship 10:15 a.m. Sundays

We will welcome you quietly and with God’s love. Our Sunday morning worship times last about 45 minutes to an hour. If you are thinking of visiting us, please do! You will find hope, purpose, care, and nurture for your whole person and your whole family at Centenary United Methodist Church.

Sunday Morning Worship

In worship, we sing traditional and current worship music, we pray, we read the Bible, and we hear a brief message based on the Bible but relevant to our lives today.

Holy Communion – Typically, on the first Sunday of the month, we celebrate Holy Communion. On the night before Jesus gave himself for us, he was with his followers at a celebration meal. He took bread from the table, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to his followers. As a sign of the work God was doing in his own self-sacrifice, Jesus said, “This bread is my body broken for you. Eat it and remember me.” He then took the cup of wine and said a similar thing, giving it to his followers and saying, “This is God’s promise in my blood. poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of your sin. Drink it remembering me.”

Communion bread and wine
Bread and juice are served so that young and old may partake

As Jesus has instituted this meal as a way for us to avail ourselves of God’s love and grace, remembering God’s mighty acts to forgive our wrongs and offer us eternal life, we celebrate this meal on the first Sunday of the month.

Our bread and cup are individual elements to maintain good hygiene. Receiving the bread and cup is a way of acting out a desire to receive God’s love in all that Christ offers. No one is required to participate, but this celebration is open to all who wish to move toward God’s love and grace.

You are invited to join us for fellowship hour after worship